LAX 2020  Poetry in Motion
12 (2 jam x 12 minggu)

In this activity, students study selected poems and dramatise them.

In groups of 10-12, students:

·       study and discuss at least four selected poems, and video-record the discussions,
·       plan and produce a video-recorded dramatisation of each poem, and
·       upload the discussion and dramatisation videos onto a designated website.

1.     Students meet two hours per week for 12 weeks to complete the task. 
2.     Facilitators monitor student attendance and participation.
3.     Venues will be at appropriate locations.

1.     Minimum 80% attendance
2.     Participation
3.     Completion of task


LAX 2020 Poetry in Motion

Week 1 & 2
5-18 Sep 2016
Student Registration (SMP)

Week 3
19-25 Sep 2016
LAX Briefing
23 Sep 2016


Group Discussion 1
You are advised to:
·        Get to know each other and exchange your contact numbers
·        Write down your data in the form provided (contact no., email address)
·        Get the Edmodo key code for your group from your instructor
·        Take note of important dates (e.g deadlines for weekly submission)

·        Identify a theme (Sad, Friendship, Happiness, Life, etc.)  and a suitable poem.
·        Divide work among team members to gather information on the selected poem.
*Week 1 Attendance and Task completion 1 are graded based on attendance recorded during the briefing session. No submission of discussion video is required.

Week 4
26 Sep -2 Oct 2016
Group Discussion 2
·        Share information gathered on the selected poem.
·        Plan and divide work for the production of your Poetry in Motion Video 1 (e.g.: concept, location, casts, scripts, props etc.)
·        Submit a 20-minute group discussion video.
10 Oct  2016
(*extended deadline)

Week 5
3-9 Oct 2016
Group Discussion 3
·        Produce Poetry in Motion Video 1.
·        Share your reflection on the production video. Submit:
a.     5-minute Poetry in Motion Video 1
b.     a 20-minute group reflection video
10 Oct  2016

Week 6
10-16 Oct 2016
Group Discussion 4
·        Identify the second poem.
·        Submit a 20-minute group discussion video.
·        Divide work among team members to gather information on the selected poem.
17 Oct  2016

Week 7
17-23 Oct 2016
Group Discussion 5
·        Share information gathered on the selected poem.
·        Plan and divide work for the production of your Poetry in Motion Video 2 (e.g.: concept, location, casts, scripts, props etc.)
·        Submit a 20-minute group discussion video.
24 Oct  2016

Week 8
24-30 Oct 2016
Group Discussion 6
·        Produce Poetry in Motion Video 2.
·        Share your reflection on the production video. Submit:
a.     5-minute Poetry in Motion Video 2
b.     a 20-minute group reflection video
31 Oct  2016

31 Oct – 6 Nov 2016
Week 9
7-13 Nov 2016

Group Discussion 7
·        Identify the third poem.
·        Submit a 20-minute group discussion video.
·        Divide work among team members to gather information on the selected poem.
14 Nov  2016

Week 10
14-20 Nov 2016

Group Discussion 8
·        Share information gathered on the selected poem.
·        Plan and divide work for the production of your Poetry in Motion Video 3 (e.g.: concept, location, casts, scripts, props etc.)
·        Submit a 20-minute group discussion video.
21 Nov  2016

Week 11
21-27 Nov 2016

Group Discussion 9
·        Produce Poetry in Motion Video 3.
·        Share your reflection on the production video. Submit:
a.     5-minute Poetry in Motion Video 3
b.     a 20-minute group reflection video
28 Nov  2016

Week 12
28 Nov -4 Dec 2016

Group Discussion 10
·        Identify the fourth poem.
·        Submit a 20-minute group discussion video.
·         Divide work among team members to gather information on the selected poem.
5 Dec  2016

Week 13
5-11 Dec 2016

Group Discussion 11
·        Share information gathered on the selected poem.
·        Plan and divide work for the production of your Poetry in Motion Video 4 (e.g.: concept, location, casts, scripts, props etc.)
·        Submit a 20-minute group discussion video.
12 Dec  2016

Week 14
12-18 Dec 2016
Group Discussion 12
·        Produce Poetry in Motion Video 4.
·        Share your reflection on the production video. Submit:
a.     5-minute Poetry in Motion Video 4
b.     a 20-minute group reflection video
19 Dec 2016


1. Students will take turn to upload the group discussion videos and the Poetry in Motion Project Videos onto YouTube before the due dates.

2. Please take note that only ONE turn in is required from each group per week.
    • Students who miss a group discussion session must provide an MC or any official letters to the Instructor to avoid from receiving a zero (0) for attendance.
    •  All late submissions will be awarded with a ‘0’ unless a valid reason / proof is given.
    • Students who submit a group discussion video but are NOT FEATURED in it will not be awarded with any marks for Attendance and Task Completion.
3. Students are advised to:
·        use their own creativity in producing an interesting and informative Poetry in Motion Project Videos and 
·        verify that the YouTube links for all group discussion videos and project videos are accessible (not set as ‘private’).

4. If you have any problems, please contact your instructor or the Activity Coordinator, Mr Muhammad Syafiq Mazlan at muhammadsyafiq@upm.edu.my.

*For further information, please visit www.lax2020poetry.blogspot.com & www.calc.upm.edu.my.

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